Friday, May 16, 2008

Where have I been????

You know, I promised myself to be better with this blog, but then I go back to work! As usual, though, with all this new meds that I am on, I have come down with some kind of bug AGAIN! Ugh...what is up with this???? I have the worse sore throat evah and my chest feels like someone is sitting on it. So I go for my usual 2-week visit to the doc and he gives me a script for some antibiotics. Sounds like a plan huh? Seven pills cost me $25 (insurance copay)! Unbelievable...just too much!
All rightie then! Let's check out some LOs I did last nite....I am in a creative mood again!! Thank goodness! Being sick and creative just doesn't mix very well!
These layouts are for some of the challenges over at Sweet Shoppe Designs!!
CREDITS: Rooty Tooty Collab kit by Misty Cato and Lauren Grier, template by Aggie Aviso for the challenge; and word art by Katie Pertiet.
CREDITS: Chatty kit by Misty Cato, template by Chrissy Williams, and font is Kabel.
CREDITS: Rooty Tooty Collab kit by Misty Cato and Lauren Grier, bracket mat and frame by Laurie Anderson and font is Pea Kari.
I need some kind of ticker for our vacation to Florida! Sue's wedding is just 3 weeks away!!!! I haven't even got the boys' outfits yet or even! I have yet another doc appointment in Jefferson City on May 3oth. Perhaps I can go shopping up there...selection here in Rolla just SUCKS!!!
Till later!!!!

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