Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I am on a lucky streak lately!!!

I may not be able to win the Powerball (I always get my tickets) but I am sure lucky to be able to work with some wonderful designers!

I dropped a note to Chrissy Williams over at DigitalCandy and she has allowed my to be part of her template CT team!!!! I am so excited!!!

With all the dentist and doctor appointments this past 2 weeks, I finally have some time this weekend to do some LOs. Keep those fingers crossed that the rain stays away and I just might be able to have that yard sale!!! I need to get the schtuff out of the basement!

Here are some LOs for Misty Cato's CT team...I totally love her designs!!!

CREDITS: Homespun Love kit by Misty Cato, stitching by Dani Mogstad, template by Kresta @ TDC, and font is Kabel.

CREDITS: Homespun Love kit by Misty Cato, torn template by Jen Caputo, ribbon by JanaM.

I need to do some type of ticker here! Suzanne's wedding is coming up so fast! June 6th will be here before I know it.

1 comment:

ChrissyW said...

SOOO glad you did - thrilled to have you on the team!!!! and fantastic pages there!!