Saturday, February 2, 2008

Well...Here is my attempt to get better at posting to my blog!

I so need to work on the wedding album for Sherry and Brian...but I just can't get into it. Josh and I took wondercul pictures and all, but I can't get any mojo flowing to finish the book.

Let me plug my CT work over at DragonFlaireStudios

I did some layouts for Fotosusu's kits!

And, of course, some LOs I did:

Here is her Fireside Delight kit... a total beauty for heritage photos!

Off to do some more digiscrapping! See ya for now!


susan said...

Love your LOs - especially the canoe one. I know what you mean about the mojo - I can't seem to do anything but recipe cards! Not sure why....maybe it is the weather...lets hope we both get it back soon.

Robin L said...

WOW, love your blog and your los! Wonderful kits tooo.